British Armed Steamship [51M] – Captain H. N. Borroes. (Dive Dorset: 37 p48; GPS; 50 22.71N; 02 48.40W), (Clarke: GPS; 50 22.81N; 02 48.51W) & (LARN) – Torpedoed without warning by German Submarine UB-38, 15 miles WSW of Portland Bill. The ship sank very quickly, three crew were picked up by a patrol vessel. Deaths, number not known.
Refs. British Vessels Lost at Sea: WW1, p70; British Merchant Ships sunk by U-Boats: WW1, p146; LCWLR: WW1, p179; Lloyd’s Register: 1917-18 No. 598(A) & PRO: Kew Adm. 137/2963. Grahame Knott database
Day of Loss: 20
Month of Loss: 10
Year of Loss: 1917
Longitude: 50 22.71
Latitude: 02 48.40
Approximate Depth: 51