Sailing Vessel [48M] – (Clarke: GPS; 50 24.18N; 03 01.41W) Sunk by gunfire from an unidentified German Submarine. Captain O. G. Rudge. Cargo FLINTS. The submarine did rescue the crew which they transferred to the trawler ONYX of Brixham where they were landed. Refs. LARN South Devon 1918; LCWLR: WW1 p198; Lloyd’s Register: 1917-18 No. 113(P) & PRO: Kew Adm. 137/2963. Wreck is 20 miles E of Berry Head.
Day of Loss: 29
Month of Loss: 1
Year of Loss: 1918
Longitude: 50 24.18
Latitude: 03 01.41
Approximate Depth: 48