There is a saying that winners are not those that never fail but those that never quit. Well I don’t know about being a winner but certainly the latter part applies here and quitting is never going to be an option. However that doesn’t stop me having a good moan about my lot and boring you all to death as we smash up yet more equipment on the road to getting things right. We almost have our underwater camera system perfectly set up now but it just lacked a bit of durability and the sea as always finds you out. We managed to damage a cable on the camera and seven times atmospheric pressure not only sent water up the cable it also found its way into the camera. What does this mean? Well simply a new camera and a new cable but also the chance to improve the system all at a cost of three thousand dollars! We now have to wait for the parts to come from the States but meantime we will carry on with sidescan operations and most of all keep smiling no matter how much things hurt.