Very sad to hear of the passing of Ed a much respected historian and author. Ed and his team were responsible for one of the most spectacular amateur underwater projects documenting the loss and partial excavation of the East Indiaman Earl of Abergavenny the remains of which lay in Weymouth bay. A good friend he was always on hand to share his vast knowledge and the Deeper Dorset wreck database would not be what it is without his support and input. The picture is from a couple of years back and shows myself right and Ed having a break as we worked our way through hundreds of shipwreck records.

He really left mark on maritime history, what a great man he was.
Ed was a lovely man. I always looked forward to ctaching up with him to find out about his latest project which he was always so committed to. Always eager to help with a smile.
I knew Ed back in the 70’s through work he was a great guy
It was very sad to hear about Ed and his passing. I dived with Ed and way before that he worked on my Lambretta when he lived in Chelmsford. I had the pleasure of diving in Weymouth on his wreck as everyone referred to the Earl and still have a couple of flints. I am still planning to visit the wreck museum if I get to Weymouth again. He was an extremely nice guy and so helpful to me over the years Bob Willis
A Kindred Spirit. We never stopped talking when together and I miss that most..
We were both blessed to have Ed as a friend. Hope you are well old chap Best G