As the search goes on for the missing USAF Hercules those words ring in my ears most days now as I walk down the quay. I come out with all the usual lines that we we live and die by here at Deeper Dorset such as “Every day we know where it isn’t we are closer to knowing where it is” and “If it was easy everyone would have done it by now”. The story is very much in the public eye at this time and hardly a day goes by where we don’t gather more information, be it where the aircraft might be located or more about what actually happened leading up to, during and after that sad day. It is a full time job dealing with it all but there is a real sense of purpose that keeps us kicking the can down the road for as long as we have to. Despite all the searches and subsea work we have done before the logistics of working mid English Channel with a relatively small vessel in one of the busiest shipping areas in the world has ensured a steep and expensive learning curve. The upside to that is a couple of other projects we have lined up in the future are now looking much more realistic as we improve our equipment and hone new skills. All in all I am relatively happy with progress and we never expected it to be a breeze, however when we do find the needle in the haystack if anyone near me says we were lucky they had better move fast! We have another Deeper Dorset commandment “Luck is preparation waiting for an opportunity”.