Sailing Vessel – William Flann was given an award of the NLI for saving lives from the wreck. Weymouth Telegram: 07/03/1861 p4. (LARN) – Portland.
Sailing Vessel – William Flann was given an award of the NLI for saving lives from the wreck. Weymouth Telegram: 07/03/1861 p4. (LARN) – Portland.
A 74 ton wooden hulled Ketch Verbena – Captain C. Marshall. Cargo, Culm. (Fleming: p35), (LePard: pages 96 & 97) & (LARN) – Weymouth Library Photo L910.4.VE5 – Wrecked on the rocks at Blacknor Point, Portland. Wreck was sold where she lay wrecked. See Times References: BOT Wk. Rtn. 1903 Appx. C Table 1 p119 … Read Article
Brig – (LARN) – Portland, Blacknor Rocks. William Flann a Coastguard man, saved four from the wreck by climbing on the rocks and helping them ashore, for which he received an RNLI award. Refs. Weymouth Telegram: 07/03/1850(1861?) p4; RNLI Records 1850 & BOT: HR. 1849-60 p115.
Schooner – Captain G. Edwards. Cargo COAL. (LARN, VLI.) – Ball’s Sand, Studland Bay. Refs. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1898 Appx. C Table 1 p135(707) & Lloyd’s Casualty Returns: 1898(E) p12 & Lloyd’s Register: 1896-7 No. 119(V)
Cutter – Captain E. Buzzo. Sank following a collision with S.S. DON of London, 5 miles ESE Anvil Point, Swanage. LARN: Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1884 Appx. C Table 2 p153.
Sloop – Captain R. Gough. Cargo COAL. (LARN, VLI.) Peveril Point, Swanage. Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn 1882 Appx. Pt. I-VI p103(745) &
Sloop Captain Pearce. (LARN) Coastguards; Captain Bennet received a gold medal. William Porter & John Freeman received silver medals. Dor. Mag; 1975, No.49, p24 & 1976, No. 50, p18. Charmouth, Lyme Regis. 1824 Gale.
Sailing Vessel – (LARN, VLI.) – Lost near Portland, crew saved. Ref. Lloyds List: No. 4569: 07/06/1811.
Sailing Barque – Captain G. Olsen. Cargo, Log Wood. (LARN, VLI.) – Sank off Portland. Refs. LCWLR: WW1, p80 & Lloyd’s Register: 1915-16 No. 13(U).
Smack – Captain T. Moyes. (LARN, VLI.) – Lyme Regis. Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1883 Appx. Pt. I-VI p101.