Smack – (LARN, VLI.) Cargo STONE. 1 mile W of Lyme Bay. “Whilst hauling out from shore in an attempt to reach Lyme Regis Harbour, drove ashore and was lost” Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1902 Appx. C Table 1 p137.
Smack – (LARN, VLI.) Cargo STONE. 1 mile W of Lyme Bay. “Whilst hauling out from shore in an attempt to reach Lyme Regis Harbour, drove ashore and was lost” Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1902 Appx. C Table 1 p137.
DILIGENCE of Portsmouth [15/11/1842] – Times Also the Morning Post November 16, 1842, Issue 22411 “About 2 o’clock on Thursday morning, the smack Diligence, of Portsmouth, of 30 tons burthen, bound to Southampton from Guernsey, laden with potatoes, cames on shore on Chisel Beach near Portland, in a squall of wind from the S.S.W. It … Read Article
French Smack – (LARN, VLI.) – Charmouth, West Hay Farm, Lyme Regis. Captain listed as J. A. F. Le Herrissier. Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1872. Pt. II Table 21 p44.
Smack. This record comes from the Portland Parish Register. See below. 854 – “Jeremiah SMITH; a man found drowned supposed to be J S captain of the Corkrump”. 855 – “SMITH; a man found drowned supposed to be the son of the above named J S.” 856 – “a man found drowned supposed to be … Read Article
Smack – (LARN, VLI.) – Sunk by Gunfire from a German Submarine, 25 miles WSW of Portland. Refs. cited British Vessels Lost at Sea: WW1 p116 & LCWLR: WW1, p107.
French Smack – Captain A. Halley. (LARN) – Sank 25 miles WSW of Portland Bill following a collision with S.S. OLAZARRI. Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1901 Appx. C Table 1 p145.
Smack – (LARN, VLI.) – 12 miles southwest of Portland Bill. Note: Cargo GRANITE (55 tons) Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1873 Appx C Table 1.
Smack (LARN, VLI.) – Near St Alban’s Head. Ref. cited BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1853 p41.