We made this little video back in August which highlights the enormity of our task when we still had the weather on our side! The soundtrack is from “Flying home” written and performed especially for the project by our friends and huge Deeper Dorset supporters The Dolmen. We are still getting out there dodging the weather and battling with the now decaying in-water visibility however we will soon have to call it this year as winter descends. We are quite keen to follow up on the last of our sonar targets gathered this year so we have a fresh start and a new area to work on next year. We got very excited by one particular target that came to nothing last week but now another has caught our eye that we really want to check out before we are forced ashore. Back on terra firma it is frantic as we make a final push for this year and we go back over hours and hours of sidescan and video always with the fear we missed something. RWTwo is about to clock up 1400 miles on search duties and is starting to gasp a bit for some TLC which she will be getting soon.