There is so much to look for and get involved with off this coastline it’s a job to know where to start, usually I just go with the flow and see what happens. For some reason just as well be the alignment of the stars as far as I am concerned the coming year is screaming aircraft. So apart from one project which is work in progress towards what we hope will be an excellent book we are exclusively on the case of sunken planes and stories that defy belief. Truth is very often stranger than fiction and it is the stories we are chasing down in memory of some extraordinary folks. A guy said to me recently why do you have to find the wreck sites before you tell the story? The answer is you don’t however we have good reason for wanting to which will all be revealed in the fullness of time. So how many planes are there in the sea off the Dorset coast? The section of database highlights just one bad day in WW2 there were many more. Then what of the inter war years and cold war period? The answer is many more than you realise. The Protection of Military Remains Act sounds impressive and all downed aircraft come under that but in fact it protects nothing which we will be demonstrating, roll on 2018.

Are you booked up with full boats for putting divers down onto your discoveries.? I would be interested in parcipitating.
Kind regards
Hi George we will start diving again in the New Year and as you are now a friend of Deeper Dorset you will receive any dive dates by mail and you are more than welcome to join in Cheers Grahame