Armed Steamship [42M] – Captain J. G. S. Doorley. (Detail in LARN) Torpedoed and sunk by German Submarine UB-40. 6 miles S by W of Anvil Point. (Clarke: GPS; 50. 29.46N; 01 54.96W) A total of 26 Europeans and 30 native crew members were lost. One passenger, a Pilot, survived. 26 crew were picked up by the Norwegian S.S. SELUN. 16 by a patrol vessel and others survived in a small boat.
Refs. cited British Vessels Lost at Sea: WW1, p73; : WW1, p227; LCWLR: WW1, p184: Lloyd’s Register: 1917-18 No. 1137(A) & PRO: Kew Adm. 137/2963.
Day of Loss: 19
Month of Loss: 11
Year of Loss: 1917
Longitude: 50. 29.46
Latitude: 01 54.96
Approximate Depth: 42