BLACK DIAMOND [20/11/1865] – Schooner – Arrived off Bridport, ‘spoke’ to the schooner TRY AGAIN which having a pilot on board was waiting to enter the harbour. It was confirmed that they could also have a pilot. At 6pm the vessel missed three stays when close to the eastern shore near Burton Freshwater. Weather worsened tried to make for Bridport Harbour but missed entrance. Dropped anchor near the rocks but the cable parted and she ended up on the beach. Use of the Mortar Apparatus saved the crew. The vessel had broken up by the 23rd on Bridport Beach and the cargo of Oats washed away. Weymouth, Portland & Dorchester Telegram: 23/11/1865. & Detail in LARN. See also Times

Day of Loss: 20

Month of Loss: 11

Year of Loss: 1865



Approximate Depth: