Mine carrying Steamship [39M] – Cargo, Government Stores/Munitions. (Detail in LARN, 1918) Torpedoed by German Submarine UB-57, 34 of the crew were killed. 12 ESE miles Anvil Point. (Clarke: GPS 50 30.11N; 01 40.35W) Cargo said to contain: Depth Charges and various types of Mines. Refs. British Merchant Ships sunk by U-Boats: WW1, p194; British Vessels Lost at Sea: WW1, p80 & LCWLR: WW1, p201.
Day of Loss: 12
Month of Loss: 2
Year of Loss: 1918
Longitude: 50 30.11
Latitude: 01 40.35
Approximate Depth: 39