Steamer, disabled only. DCC: 04/12/1887 “A Disabled Steamer – On Sunday morning at daylight a large steamer was observed anchored in the West Bay about two miles from Wyke, showing signals of distress. Information reached Messrs Cosens and Co. about eight o’clock, when the QUEEN was immediately despatched, and soon after was followed by the COMMODORE, on board of which was Mr. R. Cox, Lloyds’ sub-agent. Arrangements were made to assist the steamer, which was disabled, into Portland Roads, and she was brought there in safety soon after four o’clock. She proved to be the screw steamer ENVOY of Hull, 881 tons register, about 1,400 gross, on a voyage from Cardiff to London, having 80 tons of general cargo as ballast. The casualty occurred through her propeller having worked loose from the main shaft, which necessitated her being run on shore, so that at low water she might have the defect remedied. NIL.
Day of Loss: 4
Month of Loss: 12
Year of Loss: 1887
Approximate Depth: