Sailing Vessel – Captain Spedlington and 12 crew were drowned. (LARN) – Portland. Ref. Lloyds List: No. 2825: 03/06/1796.
Times: Thursday, June 2, 1796, Issue 3601 – Weymouth, May 31: “Between 10 & 11 in the forenoon, a snow from Guernsey to Alicante, the Flora, Captain Lindell, in ballast, came ashore in West Bay, and only one man out of 15 was saved. The brig Peggy, John Hare, master, from Philadelphia, bound to London, laden with cotton, coffee, and skins, came ashore at the same time, and only the mate and three of the men saved. The cargo and vessel entirely destroyed. And a small vessel drifted out of Portland Road, and was lost on the North Shore. Ship Incidents
Day of Loss: 3
Month of Loss: 6
Year of Loss: 1796
Approximate Depth: