German Steam Collier [48M] – Detail in Dive Dorset: 123, p102 & Clarke: GPS; 50 28.30N; 02 27.40W – (LARN) Captain J. Haye. Cargo COAL. Vessel foundered and lost following a collision with the barque HONOR of Norway. Ref. BOT: Wk. Rtn. 1889 Appx. C Table 1 p141(708). See also Fransiska Times
Times: Tuesday, February 26, 1889, Issue 32632 – Lloyd’s Agent at Weymouth telegraphed that the Fransiska,[sic] German steamer, of Kiel, from Cardiff for Flushing, coal laden, came into collision on Sunday, about 11. 30 p.m., with the Norwegian barque Honor, of Arendal, from Antwerp for Brazil, about 19 miles south of Portland. The Franziska was taken in tow at 5.30 a.m. yesterday by the Minnie, steamer of Middleborough, but sank about 15 miles of Portland Bill. All hands were saved and landed at Weymouth. The Honor put into Dartmouth with jibboom smashed and bows stove in above water line.” Ship Incident
Day of Loss: 24
Month of Loss: 2
Year of Loss: 1889
Longitude: 50 28.30
Latitude: 02 27.40
Approximate Depth: 48
Aliases, aka: FRANCISKA