Norwegian Steamship [35M] – Captain O. Lehman. (Dive Dorset: 107 – 50 32 02N; 02 33.06W) Brought by Mr E. Nicklin. (Also LARN). Clarke: gives the position as 50 31.81N; 02 333.44W – Sunk (Torpedoed) by German Submarine UB-17. LCWLR: WW1, p214; Allied, Neutral & Central Merchant Shipping Losses WW1: p83; Lloyds Confidential List of Wrecks: Vol. 2 No. 132; Lloyd’s Register: 1917-18 p214 & Divers Guide; Weymouth & Portland: Ed 5 p32 Wk. No.33.

Day of Loss: 29

Month of Loss: 4

Year of Loss: 1918

Longitude: 50 32 02

Latitude: 02 33.06

Approximate Depth: 35

Aliases, aka: FROGNOR