JACOBA CATHERINA : On Sunday last, she sprang a leak in the channel keeping the crew constantly at the pumps and making for Portland, hoped to save her by running her ashore. She was within 3 or 4 miles of Weymouth Pier when she suddenly sank in 11 fathoms. The master, two seamen and a boy tried to save themselves in a boat, but it got foul of the rigging and capsized, drowning its occupants. The mate and one seamen got into the mainmast head where they lashed themselves using halyards and remained there 13 hours until rescues at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. The weather was mild and not much sea otherwise they would have drowned, being but a short distance above water. Dense fog prevented anyone from seeing them until John Barrett, a Customs Officer saw them from the land. The watch boat put out and found the men near exhausted, the seamen’s legs being totally numb.” Ed: Interesting to know whether this boat was salvaged!!
JACOBA CATHERINA, Dutch Schooner – Cargo COAL. Captain Nierens. (LARN – Near Portland Breakwater.) DCC: 04/11/1869; “
Day of Loss: 4
Month of Loss: 11
Year of Loss: 1869
Approximate Depth: