Ref. DCC: 05/10/1826 (Vol. VI, No. 302). Transcription EMC:
“Weymouth: Wednesday, October 11: The John Rickard of Bridlington, Captain Daniel Ross, from Grenada to London struck the Kimmeridge Ledge, in a fog, on Friday the 29th ult. and has since become a total wreck. We understand a good part of the cargo, consisting of Rum, Sugar, Cotton & Cocoa, will be saved, as well as part of the materials of this vessel. As soon as the news of the misfortune reached this port, Messrs Samuel Weston and Son, Agents for Lloyds despatched a person to the spot to render assistance. We are happy to state that the Captain and crew succeeded in getting to the shore on this dangerous and difficult part of the coast”
Refs. also Dor. Mag: 1976, No. 50 p18. & LARN.

Day of Loss: 29

Month of Loss: 9

Year of Loss: 1826



Approximate Depth: