MARIE THERESA [?] -Trawler [56M]- (Clarke: p80: GPS; 50 21.31N; 02 37.31W) Bell was recovered but vessel remains a mystery. VLI NIL.
Day of Loss: 0
Month of Loss: 0
Year of Loss: 0
Longitude: 50 21.31
Latitude: 02 37.31
Approximate Depth: 56
MARIE THERESA [?] -Trawler [56M]- (Clarke: p80: GPS; 50 21.31N; 02 37.31W) Bell was recovered but vessel remains a mystery. VLI NIL.
Day of Loss: 0
Month of Loss: 0
Year of Loss: 0
Longitude: 50 21.31
Latitude: 02 37.31
Approximate Depth: 56