Small sailing boat MERCEDES, report in the DCC: 16/07/1914; “SAILING BOAT SUNK – EXCITING RESCUE IN THE BAY. – The Franklin Sailing Club’s races in Weymouth Bay on Wednesday afternoon produced a great deal more excitement than usual, owing to an alarming mishap to the MERCEDES, which was sailed by Messrs. J. L. Pearce and Taylor. Eight boats were out, and the MERCEDES was saving her time in the last hundred yards when the ballast slipped down to the leeward owing to the fixture giving way. At the same moment a heavy squall struck the boat and capsized her. Messrs. Pearce and Taylor were fortunately able to get clear of the gear, and both being good swimmers, they struck out for another sailing boat, the BUNTY (sailed by Mr. Hodges), and were pulled on board. The MERCEDES went to the bottom, leaving a few inches of her mast visible above water. It was an afternoon not altogether pleasant or favourable for sailing, and Mr. Byles in another sailing boat was driven so far eastward by the squall that his party had to be rescued by Mr. Rule’s motor boat. NIL.
Day of Loss: 15
Month of Loss: 7
Year of Loss: 1914
Approximate Depth: