MFV 1089

MFV 1089_1200

Fishing vessel 1089 developed engine trouble in thick fog off Chesil beach and ran aground. Two of the crew came ashore and had no idea where they were other than on the Chesil somewhere! After a long walk in freezing conditions they managed to summon help near Portland Isle and the local Coastguard assisted the remaining crew ashore. HMS Brocklesby (in the background) later succesfully got a line aboard and the fishing vessel was towed off, one lucky boat indeed, not many leave the Chesil to fight another day.

MFV 1089 (Motor Fishing Vessel) [26/02/1953] (LARN, VLI.) Off Fleet Chesil Beach. Weymouth Library Photo L910.4 MO.3. Refs. LePard: pages 120 & 121 & DDE: 27/02/1953.

MFV 1089 1

Day of Loss: 26

Month of Loss: 2

Year of Loss: 1953



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