Swedish Sailing Ship – Captain Winck. (LARN) Captain Winck. Portland Bill. Crew landed by the Weymouth vessel LASS. Refs. Southern Times: 23/03/1891. & Lloyd’s Register: 1888-9 No. 852(S). See also Times

Times: Monday, March 23, 1891, Issue 33279 – Loss of the Swedish barque, Senator Webber, off Dorset? Six survivors viz: The chief officer Edward Norstedt, the steward Yohausson, and four seamen named Palmer, Berg, Rausson & Hoel were taken into Weymouth. These men left the sinking ship in a small boat to reach the Logo, schooner. This they eventually did and were able to communicate with the Senator Webber by flashing lights. Communication however stopped and it was assumed that the Captain Wincro and 13 crew when down with the vessel. The ship was owned by Messrs. Lund, Peterson, and Company of Helsingborg and was 1,396 tons, laden with coal. From Cardiff to Rio de Janeiro. MI. Ship Incident

Day of Loss: 0

Month of Loss: 3

Year of Loss: 1891



Approximate Depth:

Aliases, aka: WELLFLEET