A 1,347 ton Hartlepool Steamship bound from Huelva to Rotterdam. [14M] – (Dive Dorset: 128 p105: GPS; 50 32.79N, 02 27.10W) – Hit the rocks between Tar Rocks & Blacknor Point. Crew and two passengers were saved. (Details in LARN) Cargo IRON (Pyrites). (LePard: pages 94 & 95) Refs. (Weymouth Library Photo L.910.4.GE2 negative No.38); BOT: Wk. Rtn 1894 Appx. C Table 1 p119 & Farr:p45. LARN has date as 18/11/1894? Check DCC: 18/11/1894
Vessel drove ashore in dense fog. Fortunately the weather being calm, there was no loss of life. At the enquiry into the wreck, it was determined that insufficient use had been made of the lead and line to determine her depth, and also no proper use had been made of the compass. The wreck site today is marked with her boiler which is clearly seen at low water, a mass of broken steel plate and an anchor, scattered in amongst which can be found the remains of her cargo of iron pyrites. Check DCC: around 26/08/1894?
Day of Loss: 26
Month of Loss: 8
Year of Loss: 1894
Longitude: 50 32.79
Latitude: 02 27.10
Approximate Depth: 14