Times: Wednesday, June 25, 1890, Issue 33047 – “A serious disaster occurred in the English Channel yesterday afternoon, causing the loss of of a large sailing ship and five lives. During a dense fog the screw steamer Umbilo, bound from Natal for London with a general cargo and passengers, ran into the barque Ethel, Captain Alfred Percy Ross, bound for Brisbane. The collision occurred 20 miles south-west of Portland. One of the men on board the steamer was killed by a falling spar and four of the crew of the barque met with a similar fate. In less than three minutes after the collision the barque sank. The Ethel’s crew numbered 16, and Mr. Stobart, one of the owners, his wife, two children, and sister-in law were also on board. The survivors were brought into Portland early last evening by the Umbilo, and, being transferred to the steamer Tremer of Weymouth, were taken to the Sailor’s Home of that town. The Ethel belonged to Messrs Fenwick.” Ship Incident
Day of Loss: 25
Month of Loss: 6
Year of Loss: 1890
Approximate Depth: