Wandering home after a beer the other night I took time out to take a few snaps and pause a while for some reflection! Seems to me my fantastic home town of Weymouth is being constantly let down by bad decisions and who knows what the future is for the harbour as the walls slowly fall into the sea. Very easy to get depressed about it all however at Deeper Dorset we fly the flag for the area and do as much as we can to help the old town. This is a fantastic place to live with a stunning history and in the past the town has risen above the plague, rebellion and the ravages of war so I am guessing one way or another Weymouth will survive, tis just sad to see the way it is now. In the meantime life goes on and when we stated at the beginning of the year that this was the year of the plane I don’t think we really had full comprehension of what was to come. With the search for the Hercules well under way as is the search for the truth we have to be careful not to be sidetracked by another story that is developing nicely in tandem, seems missing aircraft are like busses they all tend to turn up at once.