Torpedoes running 1

Torpedoes running

Four years ago Deeper Dorset got to hear that a collection of torpedoes and motors many built in Weymouth was in danger of being scrapped if a new home could not be found. We rescued literally tons of parts and spent five thousand pounds transporting them and renting a unit until we could find a … Read Article

Preserving local history 2

Preserving local history

This WW2 mine has been on Weymouth quay for many years acting as a collection box for the RNLI, sometime back it was removed for restoration which never happened. Mark (left) from Bennetts fish and chips, Kevin (centre) Landlord of the Boot Inn and myself representing Deeper Dorset tracked it down and funded its refurbishment. … Read Article



Wandering home after a beer the other night I took time out to take a few snaps and pause a while for some reflection! Seems to me my fantastic home town of Weymouth is being constantly let down by bad decisions and who knows what the future is for the harbour as the walls slowly … Read Article


And diving is only part of what we do!

A great week’s diving. We dived some junk, we dived some real pieces of history and found ourselves in places no one has been before. We answered a few questions and closed the book on a couple of sites as well as opening the book and creating a new list of questions on another. We … Read Article