Requisitioned Trawler, Patrol Mine Sweeper [40M] – (Clarke: GPS; 50 32.06N; 02 56.36W) Reason for sinking not recorded. NIL.
Day of Loss: 14
Month of Loss: 10
Year of Loss: 1940
Longitude: 50 32.06
Latitude: 02 56.36
Approximate Depth: 40
Requisitioned Trawler, Patrol Mine Sweeper [40M] – (Clarke: GPS; 50 32.06N; 02 56.36W) Reason for sinking not recorded. NIL.
Day of Loss: 14
Month of Loss: 10
Year of Loss: 1940
Longitude: 50 32.06
Latitude: 02 56.36
Approximate Depth: 40